SDM Licenses
SDM License application to operate in the Madeira’s Free Trade Zone

For an entity to operate within ...
… the institutional framework of Madeira’s Free Trade Zone, it is necessary to get a license that allows access to a wide range of benefits, for example, financial, tax, etc.
The licenses issued by SDM can be revoked or forfeited, thus implying the cessation of said benefits.
Licensing Procedure
The license request must be submitted to SDM in two copies addressed to the Regional Secretary of Finance (Secretário Regional das Finanças). The license can be requested by a company already existing in Portugal or abroad, by a company to be incorporated or by a branch. The license can be requested by a company already existing in Portugal or abroad, by a company to be incorporated or by a branch.
In the case of a successful application ...
… the licence is deemed to be granted in favour of the company once the applicant furnishes proof of the formation and registration of such a company.